We are a Movement of individuals from around the Globe who are taking the humble YAWN, something the WHOLE of humanity can do, to bring awareness and mindfulness to it’s innate healing abilities and connection to oneness.
There is so much more to the humble YAWN than we realise and it is our intention to bring this awareness to the whole of humanity and change the paradigm from stifling our yawns of bordeom, to owning each and every yawn as a sign of openness and creativity.
We have Yawning Ambassadors around the globe helping to spread the awareness and mindfulness of the YAWN.
They educate, inspire and motivate conversations around The Great Big Yawn and what that means as an experience for each and every one of us.
They encourage personal research into your individual and collective Yawning experiences to pass back to us so we can collate a global reference on what the Yawns means for us as a species, animals and our environment.

The Yawn connects us through 1 single action without the use of words.
It is totally inclusive of the human and animal species.
We join in and yawn together in empathy. It connects us without words and helps to alter out state from one to another faster if we are intentional with it.
Yawning helps with deep relaxation and reduces stress.
Studies have found that yawning increases when people are engaged in difficult mental tasks.
Yawning helps contract the facial muscles during a yawn which forces blood through cerebral blood vessels to the brain, which may function to increase alertness.